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Delivering Your
to the Future YMG’s Automated Conveyor Robots

Brightening the Future of Manufacturing

Robotic systems are indispensable on the frontlines of manufacturing.
And behind every robot is human ingenuity.

It is the creativity, expertise, and innovation of people that give rise to exceptional robotic systems.
By leveraging automation and labor-saving solutions to address various challenges, the future of manufacturing can become even brighter.

At YMG, we believe in that potential.


One-Stop Support from
Planning and Design to Production

Robotic systems automate tasks traditionally done by hand. While simple in concept, each customer has unique needs.

Planning is the first step to solving “what to automate and how.” We propose efficient system designs, workflows, and space layouts tailored to current and future needs, ensuring ease of use.

From customization to high-performance production and assembly, we handle everything with one-stop support.

We resolve uncertainties through
consultations and site visits.

“I want to automate, but I don’t know what’s possible.”
“I’m not sure which equipment to choose.”

Many concerns stem from such uncertainties. That’s why we start by listening to your needs.

As part of our process, we recommend visiting our permanent exhibition, Career Park. Seeing the operational equipment up close allows us to gather your feedback and quickly chart a clear path to practical solutions.


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    Japan’s Fastest Gantry Loader

    A groundbreaking conveyor system with the industry’s top speed of 300 m/min, enhanced acceleration and deceleration agility, and reduced vibration and noise. It significantly contributes to shortening cycle times.

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    Permanent Exhibition “Career Park”

    YMG is the only company with a permanent exhibition space for automated conveyor systems. Visitors can see pallet loading, workpiece transportation, and other systems in action up close.

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    Expertise as an SIer

    YMG combines proprietary gantry loaders with advanced system integration capabilities—an uncommon combination. We support automation with tailored robotic systems for diverse needs.

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    Creative Custom Solutions

    Factories often face challenges like low ceilings or limited space. In addition to standard machines, YMG can propose unique automation solutions tailored to such constraints.

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    A Team of Proud Engineers

    At YMG, even executives and managers are engineers. With a young, flexible, and innovative team, we promise to deliver the best solutions to meet your needs.


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